How to Choose Your Primary Platform

Here's why it takes a counter-intuitive approach to build wealth as a micro-influencer.

Although the internet is saturated, you don't need to be on every single latest and greatest social media platform. It just takes one platform to attract the right target market for your products and offerings.

Sure, it's good to have a few social media accounts.

That's good for brand awareness. But it's not necessary to be active on each platform daily, weekly or even monthly.

For instance, Not A Bond Girl has a Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and FaceBook presence. Let's break it down further.

I have only 6 videos uploaded on YouTube...I can't recall the last time I posted my last video! My FB business page has only a handful of likes. And my Instagram account is just starting out.

But for Pinterest, it's a different story.

As my primary account, I have over 5000 followers there. On my best month, my pins that went viral brought in 1.5 million monthly views.

So how do you choose the best platform for your blog biz?

The question really is, what do you enjoy doing most? For instance, I enjoy journaling. I journal every day and sometimes twice a day. Blogging comes easily to me and Pinterest is a natural fit for that.

If you enjoy taking photos, Instagram is probably your jam. If you enjoy talking, perhaps YouTube or starting a podcast is best for you. There's a lot of choices. Just play around with different platforms to see which one you like most!

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