7 Key Questions

Once you have the basics down, ask yourself the following seven questions. I’ve included some of my answers to these questions in reference to Not A Bond Girl’s audience to give you an example.

1. Where does my ideal client live?

Get specific. Which country? Or countries? Global? Only English speaking countries? A majority of Not A Bond Girl readers reside in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

2. What is the age range of the people who you want to work with?

Note, this does not encompass just the people who you could work with. For instance, although I write my blogs as if I’m talking to a peer in her mid-30s, most Not A Bond Girl readers are millennials and Gen Xers. So there is quite a bit of age range there.

3. Where does your ideal client hang out on and offline?

Paint a scenario in your mind. Give your ideal client a name.

Let’s use the name Bonnie as an example:

"Bonnie is a busy working mother of three children. She has no work life balance. She is a creative at heart but her job as a business consultant pays the bills.

On the rare occasion that she has time to spare, she enjoys getting a massage every once in awhile, practicing yoga three times per week at the local yoga studio, and meeting up with friends to catch up at a coffee shop.

As she does not enjoy sitting in a cubicle all day, Bonnie hopes to achieve financial freedom and retire early within the next five years. She enjoys pinning personal finance tips on Pinterest."

4. What are they interested in? Do they have any hobbies? Passions?

“Bonnie is interested in leaving the Corporate world so she can spend more time with her children at home. She would like to start her own online blog business as a web designer.

Ultimately, she would like her passion project to turn into a full-time career so she can support her family and live a financially independent life.

Bonnie is also interested in mind, body and spirit wellness. She enjoys learning about personal development tips. Bonnie is passionate about holistic wellness."

5. What magazines do they read?

This can include both online and offline. Since I myself am an “ideal” Not A Bond Girl reader, I assessed what I enjoy reading. It came down to Psychology Today, Business Insider, The Economist, Women's Health and Yoga Journal.

6. Which experts/authors do they follow?

In the business and self-help industry, the top experts tend to include Marie Forleo, Suze Orman, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Rhonda Byrne, Caroline Myss, Gabrielle Bernstein, among many others.

7. What does their typical day look like?

“Bonnie gets up early in the morning to take her children to school before she heads to the office. In the morning, she is getting them prepared for school. In the evening, she picks up her children and runs errands before heading home.

She works primarily from her office as a business consultant. She works throughout the day and weekends. Sometimes she has to travel to client sites but most of her week is spent working from her cubicle.

On the weekends, she takes her children to their extra curricular activities. While they are at their soccer game/piano lesson/etc, she is on her iPhone addressing work emails.”

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